12 January 2023
Following the publishing of the "review for implementation of Schedule 3 to The Flood and Water Management Act 2010” earlier this week, our flood risk and drainage experts have deciphered what this means for both us as a consultancy and our clients. Whilst we appreciate that this announcement will bring yet another significant change to our industry, sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) can play a key role in moving towards a green economy, planning for climate change and ensuring the effective management of surface water flows from new developments reducing flood risk and meeting the aims of the NPPF. We note the schedule brings with it the possible future requirement for SuDS to be adopted by a SuDS Approval Body (SAB), which will provide greater certainty over the long term maintenance and management of SuDS features but will make it more important than ever to ensure these features are designed early and appropriately to ensure later compliance and adoptability. We now await the DeFRA’s next steps and the establishment of National Statutory Standards for the design and construction of SuDS. We will update and support our clients and the wider industry as this progresses. You can find out more about our flood risk and drainage services here.