Case Study: Hickings Lane, Stapleford

Case Study: Hickings Lane, Stapleford

  Client: Tunstall Smith King Ltd 

  Project: Hickings Lane, Stapleford

  Discipline: Geo-Environmental 


About the project:

Tunstall Smith King Ltd commissioned M-EC to undertake a Phase I Desk Study and a Phase II Ground Investigations for a proposed leisure development to replace existing playing field facilities. The proposed development comprises a floodlit 3G artificial football pitch and a pavilion housing tennis courts, offices, changing rooms and an activity area. 

Preliminary Phase I research identified a low to moderate human health and environmental risk relating to potential contamination associated with near-surface Made Ground and ground gas generation from both on and off-site Made Ground sources and historical underground mining. The site is located within a development high-risk area associated with potential shallow mining, as defined by the Coal Authority.

The Phase II intrusive investigation comprised dynamic window sampling supported by laboratory geotechnical and environmental analysis and monitoring to determine and classify the underlying ground and ground gas conditions. 

Based on the investigation results, a shallow foundation design solution was recommended for the proposed structure. Considering the proven depths of intact coal seams, the potential for shallow mining instability was discounted. Significant ground contamination was not encountered, negating the need for remediation; however, elevated ground gas concentrations were recorded, and gas protection measures were recommended.

If you would like to learn more about our geo-environmental services, you can view our web page or contact the team our team here.

