Lighting Team Enables Retrospective Planning Permission for Winchfield Site

Lighting Team Enables Retrospective Planning Permission for Winchfield Site

A speedy service from our lighting team has enabled retrospective planning permission to be granted for a commercial site in Winchfield, Hampshire.


“The client had erected three floodlights at an existing depot without seeking planning permission so urgently required a lighting impact assessment,” explains our senior environmental consultant, Nathan Allen.


“Although predominantly surrounded by green fields, there was a railway line along the south of the site, which we identified as a potential constraint as it meant glare could be a nuisance for train drivers.


“After conducting a site survey, 3D visualisation modelling and a glare assessment, it was clear the floodlights had been positioned below the railway line embankment and therefore whilst noticeable to train drivers, would not be detrimental. In addition, the floodlights were not visible from any existing residential properties.


“Our lighting impact assessment confirmed that lighting from the site would not exceed recommended ILP criteria and therefore it could remain operational. The whole process was completed within a month, allowing the client peace of mind and serving to ensure the safety and security of the premises can be effectively maintained,” concludes Nathan.
