Acoustic Air - Overheating Assessments


The M-EC Acoustic Air team are experts in noise assessments and providing mitigation strategies to help support developments in achieving planning requirements. In line with industry regulations, our experienced team focuses on ensuring the development not only achieves its full potential but also considers the impact surrounding noise may have on the resident’s health. 


With the enactment of the Approved Document O regulation in June 2022, it is important to note that noise assessments now need to consider overheating within properties, notably what impact closed windows (due to noise) will have on properties overheating. Where windows are unable to be opened due to noise, Dynamic thermal Modelling is required to satisfy Approved Document O. 

With global warming continuing to rise, overheating and noise in newly built residential accommodation is now of significant concern. A closed window strategy is no longer acceptable, which is why Approved Document O and the increased ventilation requirements of Approved Document F insist provisions must be made to future-proof residential dwellings for the warmer climate we will continue to see. 

The earlier overheating is considered, the less onerous the mitigation measures may be, as bespoke measures such as shading, orientation, and other design factors can be included at early stages rather than focusing on plot-specific ventilation measures at the detailed stage. 

Our Acoustic Air team have provided an easy-to-digest Q&A to help our clients understand and navigate these new changes around noise, overheating and Approved Document O; you can read this here


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For more information about our acoustic air services, contact:

  Adam Walker

  07566 779575