Our expert team have developed the ‘first-time-right’ approach, which minimises comments from water Risk Management Authorities and decreases waiting times for our clients. Our experience covers various stages of the planning process, including Outline Planning and Full Planning applications, Reserved Matters and Discharge of Conditions.
The complexity of our work ranges from Flood Risk Assessments for sites within Flood Zone 1 to complex applications within Flood Zone 3, with the requirement for detailed fluvial hydraulic modelling and development-specific mitigation measures.
Our aim in any Flood Risk Assessment is to keep users safe from flooding and prevent the development from exacerbating flood risk to the wider area, in line with the National Planning Policy Framework.
We aim to get the best possible outcome for our clients, so our work is not limited to technical expertise; it extends to an active liaison with the various local water Risk Management Authorities throughout the planning process – the Environment Agency, Natural Resource Wales, Lead Local Flood Authority, Sewerage Undertakers and Local Planning Authorities.
When do you need a Flood Risk Assessment?
The Environment Agency states that you need an FRA if:
Terra Strategic ltd
Hybrid Planning application for 300 dwellings & care home.
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Richborough Estates
Residential development of up to 550 dwellings & infrastructure.
Owl Homes
Proposed residential development of up to 18 dwellings.
Joao Gil
01530 264753