Utilities - Capacity Assessments


M-EC Utilities conduct early investigations to determine the level of capacity available in existing utility networks to accommodate proposed developments. We recommend that you identify capacity at the early feasibility stage to highlight potential abnormal costs and prepare your development for a planning application. 


Utility networks are not always designed with future capacity needs in mind, which is why developers often see unexpected costs for reinforcement work arise. The costs and time taken for reinforcement work or for connection to a lengthy location from the proposed site can be considerable, which is why we recommend early awareness to identify these potential issues. 

Our utility experts work with energy providers to request capacity enquiries which confirm whether there is sufficient capacity to supply the proposed development with electricity, gas, water, telecommunications, sewerage and drainage. These enquiries also provide location information for the point of connection to the existing network. If network reinforcement is required, the utilities team undertake further enquiries to investigate cost and timescales and identify whether all or part of the development can be connected before reinforcement is completed. 

With development costs ever rising, our experienced team can provide you with budget costs for new supplies from both Statutory Providers (the leading network operators for a geographical region) and independent providers who often offer competitive multi-utility options to serve the development. Our team negotiates on the developers’ behalf to ensure the best possible costs are obtained. 

To start making capacity enquiries, a site boundary plan and an indication of the proposed type and size of the developments are required. We can then calculate assumed loads for residential or commercial developments for the initial enquiries, including capacity for Electric Vehicle Charging Points and alternative heating methods, e.g. Air Source Heat Pumps, for compliance with Building Regulations and the proposed 2025 Future Homes Standard. (Load estimates for non-residential developments will be based on planning usage and floor area).


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For more information about our utility services, contact:

  Alex Bennett 


  01530 264753