Utilities - Constraints Plans


Our utilities team provide constraints plans which clearly identify existing utilities in the vicinity of a proposed development. A constraints plan is the best way to present identified constraints, creating efficiency by removing the need to refer to multiple individual plans in various formats. 


Once the NRSWA C2 asset searches have been completed to find out what existing utilities are in or near proposed development areas, we can overlay this information onto an area plan or topographical survey drawing. Utility survey data can also be incorporated if available to improve the accuracy of the drawings.

Our experienced team can add safe working distances and easement extents for overhead and underground apparatus. If applicable, we can also show building proximity distances, Health & Safety Executive consultation zones or any other information you require, either on a standalone utility constraints plan or combined with additional constraint or layout information. 

This can highlight areas where additional care is necessary or potential conflicts between existing apparatus and the proposed layout where changes to the site layout or apparatus diversion may be required. The information may also help to identify potential connection locations for new supplies or drainage. 



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For more information about our utility services, contact:

  Alex Bennett 


  01530 264753