Utilities - Diversion Assessments


Our experienced utilities team conducts diversion assessments, and site investigations based on the New Roads and Street Works Act (NRSWA) stages to identify affected utilities and better understand clients’ options. 


Existing utilities on site or within areas where highway works are proposed may require relocation or lowering to allow for development.  Diversion costs for certain utility assets can run into millions of pounds, so an early understanding of diversion requirements will enable developers to consider these costs and, if viable, reconfigure their proposals to avoid diversions entirely. Some local authorities require diversion information to approve Section 278 or Section 38 highway applications, so to avoid delays, it is recommended that you gain an early investigation. 

Our utilities team support clients with a range of diversion expertise, including but not limited to the following: 

  • Carrying out C2 asset searches to obtain apparatus plans from utility providers and find out what existing utilities are in or near proposed development areas.
  • Reviewng existing asset locations and minimum installation depths used by each provider against development proposals and highlight any likely diversion requirements.
  • Obtaining budget (C3) or firm (C4) costs for any necessary diversions.
  • Highlighting areas where further survey work is recommended to confirm the position and depth of existing apparatus to determine whether the diversion could be avoided.
  • Locate existing utilities to help confirm the accuracy of plans received from utility providers.
  • Advising on wayleaves, easements and safety clearance requirements, including for the National Grid electricity transmission network, high-pressure gas network and Health & Safety Executive Land Use Planning Methodology consultation distances.
  • Providing advice regarding protection measures which may be a suitable alternative to diversion in some cases. The utilities team will work with and agree on strategies with the Statutory Providers on behalf of the client to gain the best possible, cost-effective outcome. 


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For more information about our utility services, contact:

  Alex Bennett 


  01530 264753