Due to environmental legislation and ever-changing regulations, the environmental impact resulting from noise and air quality can be critical factors in determining development suitability and the comfort of occupants. Good Acoustic design can improve well-being, aid learning, and improve the population's health. Air Quality is now the most significant environmental risk for early death, so the impact of air quality on and off-site is now fundamental to the planning process.
Our experienced team delivers on our client's expectations enhancing spaces to provide better living and working environments. Our specialist team can assess and mitigate any potential issues in line with relevant regulations to ensure we meet the needs of all involved and maximise developable area. We use the latest measurement technology and cutting-edge computer modelling programs to identify the noise, air, odour, vibration and overheating issues for new and existing developments and specify cost-effective mitigation solutions.
Whether you require noise assessments or modelling to determine the surrounding noise impact, air quality assessments to detect NO2 or Particulate Matter levels, odour assessments due to nearby impacts, overheating assessments to satisfy planning and Building Control in line with the new Approved Document O, building acoustics to control and minimise transmission, vibration surveys, or monitoring and mitigation support for any of the above; our experienced team can support your requirements and provide in-depth support and measures to ensure your project is in line with regulations and legislation and, has the best chance at achieving planning.
Noise / vibration surveys and assessments
Overheating assessments
Building acoustic design & Sound insulation testing
Air quality assessments
Air quality monitoring
Odour assessments
Martin Hamer
01530 264753
Neil Forsdyke