Our specialist team has extensive experience providing support for a range of planning applications, including outline, full, and discharge of conditions, providing developing adoptable street lighting solutions for new roads (Section 38) and existing highways (Section 278) on sites across the UK. Applications range from a few dwellings to large-scale, multi-phased, mixed-use schemes.
We work in line with ILP and local authority guidance and have a broad knowledge of local dark skies guidance and internal light spill. We partner with ecologists and architects to achieve a balance between lighting an area and not having an adverse impact on surrounding light-sensitive species. All of our assessments are complainant with the Institute of Lighting Professional and Bat Conservation Trust Guidance.
Lighting assessments are becoming more commonly requested for planning applications since lighting can negatively impact the health of both humans and some animal species, including bats, dormice, and badgers to name a few. Some of these are European Protected Species, which can cause a significant issue to proposed development sites if disturbed. Our team can provide assessments, solutions and designs for your individual development requirements.
Lighting Impact Assessments
Environmental Impact Assessments
Ecology lighting strategies
Daylight/Sunlight and Overshadowing Assessment
Private lighting designs
Section 38 and Section 278 Street Lighting Designs
Nathan Allen
01530 264753