

MEC provides an extensive range of geotechnical and environmental consultancy services to the construction industry. We have a highly qualified and experienced team who offer support with land development through all stages, from pre-planning appraisal through to discharge of planning conditions, detailed design and remediation.

Our geotechnical and environmental assessments are undertaken in full accordance with industry best practise, legislation and health and safety guidance. We also provide in-house site testing services enabling efficient and seamless assessment of development sites using our fully calibrated equipment.

We undertake site appraisals ranging from preliminary constraint and costing reviews to detailed Phase I and II investigations, including assessment of potential risks associated with soil and groundwater contamination (detailed quantitative risk assessment), ground gas, shallow mining and abnormal ground conditions/geotechnical issues.

Our specialists can provide support through the remediation and construction phase of development with the production of remediation method statements and subsequent on-site validation of remedial measures to enable discharge of associated planning conditions. We also link closely with other MEC teams, providing soil infiltration rates for drainage strategy/design and geotechnical information for foundation/structural design.

Our Services Include: 


Ground investigation services

Contaminated land appraisal 

Geotechnical design services

Legacy mining stability assessments

Material management planning

Remediation strategies, validation & waste classification

For more information about our geo-environmental services, contact:

  David Torrance

  01530 264753